Me (

I am looking at space differently these days, but I will come back to that in a minute.
I did say in a previous post that I wanted to get back to the basics of this blog, which meant it was about me, occasionally throwing something in that is newsworthy and exciting, something that doesn't have anything to do with me whatsoever.
So with this post, I am going to do just that: me.
That's me, above...I think I have only posted one or two other pics of myself on here...and yes, they were blurry too. While I want this blog to be about me, I still want to maintain my least on here...
I did finally start another blog on art. Not sure I am happy with that blog over at Tumblr, but nonetheless it is there and since it is dealing only with art, I have included a goofy profile pic that is not blurry.
I have also just recently updated my Flickr profile page and there are pics of me on that too. I am really trying to develop all of the different sides of me right now and give them all their proper space (ahhh, there is my opening revisited) and area.
In a constant attempt to give voice to all my artistic sides: photography, art, writing, music, drama, self...I will probably have about 50 different blogs going by the end of this year. And NO! I don't see that as a bad thing.
For too long I have let my talents sit on the sideline. there, they have become bored and unimaginative. Time to put a stop to all that. It should be about creation...Constant Creation...please don't steal that title, thinking of using it as the title of my Poetry blog, coming soon!
So you see, just like in an organized house where everything has it's own space, place, corner, nook or should your talents. I am starting to take them off the shelf and examine just what I can do with them.
Oh, I started this blog a couple years ago with a bed I made. Now I am finally about to continue that journey by making my first chair. (Thanks to R. for the tools for Christmas!) And there will surely be a Furniture Blog with all of my creations and whats more, I hope to introduce commerce to my sites...because, after all, everything is for sale. Here is one of my favorite sites right now:
(This is not the chair, but the one I will be making is very similar.)
Been playing around with design plans for Furniture and I have started a Furniture Sketch book:
(Did this chair design in Paint program)
So, I just wanted to say that Space is needed, will be given to each individual friend: my talents. They all deserve a spot, their own display shelf. Only thing is I'm hoping to display to the world...and through each item, a part of "me" will be put out there on display as well.
Just making sure I get to keep the best part to myself!
I want to dedicate this post to R. who is teaching me a lot about myself, and the space we give to things and people we love.