I know this because I have raked so many leaves. Have I mentioned I have a very huge tree in front of my house? Unfortunately I will have to go back out there again a couple more times. I am buying a blower soon.
On to other matters: Well, I must say I am adjusting well to my job at IIT. Becoming a supervisor for the first time has taken some getting used to...but for the most part, most of the college young adults that I work with are responsible enough to carry out their work duties, with just a couple of exceptions. Sunday is the only day that is a real struggle for me, but I am getting used to that as well. My work nights go by pretty fast. I have become quite the night owl now that I get off at 12am, staying up til 4am some nights, but all in all the adjustment to 2nd shift has not been that bad.
I am at my mom's for Thanksgiving. A's family is in Chicago. I will see them when I get back on Saturday evening.
Since the weather turned cold I haven't been able to go down to the lake to run like I had been doing, and getting on the treadmill hasn't happened either except for one day last week; have to change that...I still have lost about ten pounds. Just need to hit the weights so I can start showing that muscle definition.
Speaking of muscle definition, check out the images below.
Before all that, a special shout out to K. I know that she is checking out my blog. Thanks, K!
Shawne Merriman of the San Diego Chargers

Bob Sanders of the Indianapolis Colts