Car was down for one week. My fault, little to no gas in tank on one of the coldest nights. Gas line freeze. New fuel pump, ripped off by the auto shop for $800 bucks. But again, my fault.
Things going good at work. Shooting at Illinois university leaves my students scared and uneasy. I feel like I am making a positive impact on youth even though I am not a teacher.
I miss my family but hope to see them next week, weather permitting.
Shoveling snow is like my part-time job, my skin is dry and I am trying to find motivation to work out again.
Been listening to Amy Winehouse to the point where I am going to get sick of it, but I love every song on her cd and awaiting Janet Feedback on Tuesday. I cooked dinner last night for A's family who are here visiting. Pleased with Obama, and have been taping American Idol, Big Brother (see Parker below, gone too soon)...A Raisin in the Sun Monday night on ABC a must see!
Sorry for no posts lately, just been preoccupied.
Enjoy the pics
JASON TAYLOR and MARIO will be on Dancing With the Stars

PARKER formerly of Big Brother 9