To borrow from janet, I am so much betta even though so much has happened and I keep weathering the storms. This post is going to feature the very handsome and long-haired actor Ryan Gentles. You have seen him recently on the Jennifer Hudson video for Spotlight. I dont know why all of a sudden I am taken with him. Actually, I think once he cuts his famous locks, he will get better roles and become the next Denzel. Now I dont know if he can really act; I dont think he has been given the chance yet, but I feel confident that he will wake up one morning and cut all that shit off and go out there with a whole new attitude. You know, sometimes that is what you have to do. My nephews came and stayed with me and A. for over a month. One is 16, one 10, the other we had A's nephews, one 11 and one 7 or 8. Man, was it ever stressful. But so worth it. I would do it again a thousand times. Those kids are the best. What I learned about myself is that I would be a great father, but I have known that all along. Anyway, all I want to try to communicate right now is that I dont know the future, but I know that I will be okay...alone, with someone or maybe my whole life will change or I will change it. I just know that whatever happens, I will survive and be so much betta. Sorry for waiting so long for a post; been busy trying to finally live, but if I prioritize right, I should be able to live in this space as well :)
I give you two from Tyler Perry's menagerie: Lamman Rucker and Ryan Gentles because two men are so much betta than one.