Friday, November 19, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Another Trip to the Hardware Store
Well, it has been a few months since the last post. At that time the car was in the shop and I was at Starbucks waiting. Here it is in November and I have experienced a lot in these few months. The summer had a lot in store for me, I had no idea. Some of the highlights in no particular order:
I reconnected with my son, well actually my foster's a long story...lost about 10 pounds and keeping it off, that's still a work in progress...made tough decisions about where I was stuck in life and decided to do something about it...released someone who released me long ago...tackled my fears and became stronger...gave up some bad habits...decided that I didn't want to live my life hiding things from the person I am supposed to be sharing my life with...came clean to myself on my faults and am now learning to embrace all that is good within me...spent some time with just me which included me riding my bike on the lake while I was on vacation, that was a good day! ...I became clear about what I want in my life, got rid of distractions and decided that listening to my heart isn't a bad thing...I became more honest than I ever knew I could be and mainly to myself...still learning how to love myself, each day that becomes stronger...took a leap of faith and stepped out there...turned 44...started figuring what my life should look like and making steps to see a completed picture...dated...fell in love in a brand new way with a brand new person...struggled through to victory.
My life is currently looking a lot different these days and should continue to change with the coming winter.
R. is in the process of moving and finishing off some home projects as the days become numbered. I think we will be making plenty of trips to the hardware store together. It's like I am doing a restoration of me, running to the hardware store to pick up a tool or an item that I know I need, then returning home to find that I'm still missing a piece... or the item that I thought would work when I got it home just was the wrong thing altogether so then I have to make another trip to get those missing items, you feel me?
It sure feels like the missing piece was waiting in aisle three all this time...waiting there for me and then I finally figured it out, saw what I I can do something with it. Got it home and it was the missing part, the right fit. And I am determined to keep making more trips to the hardware store that is life...I want, need and deserve to have the right tools to build something architecturally beautiful and lasting...
to be continued....
Friday, July 2, 2010

I am currently sitting at the Starbucks in the Millenium Station downtown. I'm drinking the last of my strawberry frappuccino, which I had to look over to the menu board to figure out how to spell. The reason I am hanging out down here so early is because I am waiting to hear from the mechanic at Midas about my car. To be more exact, waiting for them to call me to tell me I can come pick the car up. It's a long story that I wont go fully into, but let's say that I finally got my car paid for. So you know what happened, right?
Oh it just needs about $1,620.00 dollars worth of work to get it in the running condition it should be in. Anyway, Midas is going to let me pay half with the remaining balance due in 30 days.
A. let me ride in with and I am very grateful; I don't think I could have put up with one more ride on the CTA Pace bus: can you say ghetto! No, through with that for a while.
My frap is just about gone, so I will be wrapping this up real quick. I guess I will walk over to Millenium Park after this. My mom and brother are supposed to be coming down this weekend for the 4th. Also the Taste of Chicago is going on. I may walk over there if I still havent heard anything after a while. I just realized that I have written about the Taste before in another blog entry.
This is pretty cool tho. Hanging out downtown, soaking up the atmosphere; I kinda feel like this is where I should be. Still getting used to my own grown skin. And exercising my artistic muscles. About time. Well, I don't really know what's going to go down this weekend. Sean will want to go to the Taste. And my nephew Korey is supposed to be coming also with his girlfriend.
Diante is also staying with us for the summer. Well I just wanted to get something published to let you know that I am still here. I will be starting my art blog soon, so stay tuned.
BTW, I really have to use the restroom.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
It's Raining, Men!
I often find myself flicking through the channels like most men; it's one of the things we do best. Sometimes, before a road trip, I need to check the Weather Channel to check the forecast. To my great surprise, anytime I come across any of these three meteorologists, I find myself lingering just a little bit longer. I guess they just make meteorology so very intersting. Would you agree?
Scott Williams
Scott Williams
Paul Goodloe
Monday, May 3, 2010

I was peeping through some other blogs and I ran across the mentioning of a new PBS series titled: SMALL ISLAND. The BBC produced two-parter has already aired on PBS stations, but for a limited time, you can watch both episodes at
The story is set in the past and introduces us to some dynamic characters. There is a nice history lesson in this tale of England and Jamaica, the war and racial tensions. Hurry to watch this before it is no longer available, although I'm sure it will be released on DVD.
Ashley Walters
The story is set in the past and introduces us to some dynamic characters. There is a nice history lesson in this tale of England and Jamaica, the war and racial tensions. Hurry to watch this before it is no longer available, although I'm sure it will be released on DVD.
If you need 2 reasons to watch, check out actors: David Oyelowo as Gilbert last seen as the cheating husband in the HBO series The First Ladies Detective Agency starring Jill Scott...and actor Ashley Walters who I predict will be a big star; he smolders on the screen in the role of Michael who stirs the desires of two very different women. Ashley has these dreamy eyes and a smooth gravelly voice that is too much...well, see for yourselves when you watch online
Ashley Walters
Saturday, April 3, 2010

A couple of weekends ago, A. made a soup dish with some chicken breasts. Let me say that I am known to scoff food down, so that means I was not chewing my food the way I should have. To make a short story short, I got a piece of chicken stuck in my throat. At first I thought I would be able to get it down, so I kept swallowing. Before I knew it, I was in a life or death situation. I ran to the sink and tried to scream the meat out. That didnt work!
Anthony then came over and calmly performed the Heimlich maneuver on me. The meat was immediately dislodged and I was still alive. 3 things I learned:
1. A. still has my back, dont know that he never did. And I joke with A. that I owe him for at least one year.
2. More importantly, chew your food enough so that you can swallow!
3. Know how to perform the Heimlich maneuver on yourself.
New Angles (Angels)
I recently updated my facebook status by saying that on one particular rough day, I had beautiful angels all around me, so many angels that the devil rolled up his window and drove away. All of the people below are Angels in one form or another. Whether it be an artist testing the boundaries and questioning individualism or a positive role model for the kids...a man telling the world who he is with no regret or a guy helping a celebrity get back her model figure. Doing a good deed or being honest will always help yourself and the recipient see a new angle on life.
All I am going to say is that I like this video, but I like the song "Window Seat"better and her new cd even better. Check out the video and listen to the full album below on her website:
Vernon Davis
Saw my dude Vernon Davis on this new E Entertainment reality show: Pretty Wild. I cant say that I will watch this show anymore unless Vernon shows up again with that dynamic smile. I'm not mad at Ms. Alexis...flirting her ass off.

All I am going to say is that I like this video, but I like the song "Window Seat"better and her new cd even better. Check out the video and listen to the full album below on her website:
Vernon Davis
Saw my dude Vernon Davis on this new E Entertainment reality show: Pretty Wild. I cant say that I will watch this show anymore unless Vernon shows up again with that dynamic smile. I'm not mad at Ms. Alexis...flirting her ass off.
Dude came out! What an inspiration he will be for generations to come. His bravery will make it easier for so many others. Thank you, Ricky!
JR Rogers or Who's That Guy?
If you are looking for another reason to watch Kirstie Alley's new A&E reality series Kirstie Alley's Big Life, check out her personal trainer JR Rogers. Enuf said.

See more here:
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I do not have STARZ, the cable channel, but thanks to the Internet, I have still been able to watch STARZ's first original series based on the legends of the Roman Empire: SPARTACUS BLOOD And SAND. It stars Andy Whitfield as Spartacus.
I am smitten with this series and highly recommend it. Plenty of action, gore and treachery. Plus the series is not bad on the eyes if you know what I mean. It even features Lucy Lawless of Xena Worrier Princess in a lead role. You can see episodes from the first season here: or here:

The series also stars Peter Mensah

and Manu Bennett.

I also just learned that the star of the series played by Andy Whitfield was just diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphona in the early stages. Production on the 2nd season has been postponed while the star Mr. Whitfield is undergoing treatment. I pray that he will get through this.

There's a reason my blog is named EVOLVING BLACKNESS. Evolving, reinvention, rebirth is a concept that is close to my heart and a process I continually go through.
Yes, as the credits roll, there are the Twin Towers. I have no doubt that the Towers have been used in many movies that are set in New York and that I have probably never noticed them each time they are featured. That has changed for all time. Now whenever I recognize that a movie is set in the Big Apple, that is one of the first things I look for, whether the movie is old or new.
I was just watching the ending of one of my favorite movies: Working Girl starring Melanie Griffith. At the end of the movie as the character Tess has finally evolved from secretary to corporate big shot, there is an outside shot of her window that pans out to reveal the city skyline.

As soon as that movie went off, the remake of "The Women" came on, starring Meg Ryan. This was eery indeed, because this movie starts out with the skyline of New York and it is so obvious that the Twin Towers are missing and will forever be in new movies post 9/11.
I was instantly sad but came to grips with this fact. We must all get through the tragedies in our lives and try to move on as best we can. With the example of a great city, and in the wake of tragedies that have befallen Haiti and Chile, we need look no further when we need inspiration to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and take our misfortunes and turn them into testimonies of how to survive and be reborn.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Beginning after the End

Sunday, January 31, 2010
To Save A Life

A. and I went to see the movie and all I am going to say is please go see this film.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
HERE Like Precious
I have been saying that I am going to restart this blog for some time now. And now almost a year and a half later, here I am. How did I get here? Well, GOD sure does work in mysterious ways. I wasnt even thinking about my lost blog.
I am sitting at work right now in the break room. I was just checking email while listening to Barack Obama give his State of the Union speech. Now if you will remember, the very last time I wrote, it was about Barack Obama and his impending presidency. He has struggled lately in the polls as I have struggled in my life. We are both just trying to get it right if I can compare us for a minute. But back to how I am sitting here typing out words again.
As I was checking my emails, I noticed one from Blogger. It appears I set my Blogger settings to notify me if I receive any comments; and I can then publish or reject the comment/s. My first hurdle was remembering my password to log in, it had been that long. But I finally remembered it.
The actual comment was pretty nice, saying something like: thank you...but then it went on to say check out this other blog. OK, I checked out the other blog and I was not impressed. While having comments on my blog are great, I cannot post any that I feel do not meet with my approval. And so I rejected the comment. But then, after I did that, I saw the tab: New Post. Couldnt resist, it was so clear that I needed to get back on here.
I am not going to promise to post weekly or even monthly, but I do hope to post as much as possible. You see, I was a writer in another life, the life I was surely letting slip away in the day to day misery that can consume a person. But no more misery, no more drama, no more sadness, no more pain. I had all of that in 2009 and I did not blog for that full year. It is time to write and be the writer, live and be Michael, the best artistic Michael I can be. Time to paint and draw and sew and make movies with the kids. I have already been exercising so that part is going good. Thank you young man that wanted to post on my blog. I am sorry I had to reject it, but I cannot, any longer, reject my life and the things that I like to do or the talents that GOD gave me that I havent been using. What it make me feel like to know these things about myself so surely? Answer: Here...
I am sitting at work right now in the break room. I was just checking email while listening to Barack Obama give his State of the Union speech. Now if you will remember, the very last time I wrote, it was about Barack Obama and his impending presidency. He has struggled lately in the polls as I have struggled in my life. We are both just trying to get it right if I can compare us for a minute. But back to how I am sitting here typing out words again.
As I was checking my emails, I noticed one from Blogger. It appears I set my Blogger settings to notify me if I receive any comments; and I can then publish or reject the comment/s. My first hurdle was remembering my password to log in, it had been that long. But I finally remembered it.
The actual comment was pretty nice, saying something like: thank you...but then it went on to say check out this other blog. OK, I checked out the other blog and I was not impressed. While having comments on my blog are great, I cannot post any that I feel do not meet with my approval. And so I rejected the comment. But then, after I did that, I saw the tab: New Post. Couldnt resist, it was so clear that I needed to get back on here.
I am not going to promise to post weekly or even monthly, but I do hope to post as much as possible. You see, I was a writer in another life, the life I was surely letting slip away in the day to day misery that can consume a person. But no more misery, no more drama, no more sadness, no more pain. I had all of that in 2009 and I did not blog for that full year. It is time to write and be the writer, live and be Michael, the best artistic Michael I can be. Time to paint and draw and sew and make movies with the kids. I have already been exercising so that part is going good. Thank you young man that wanted to post on my blog. I am sorry I had to reject it, but I cannot, any longer, reject my life and the things that I like to do or the talents that GOD gave me that I havent been using. What it make me feel like to know these things about myself so surely? Answer: Here...
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