I have been saying that I am going to restart this blog for some time now. And now almost a year and a half later, here I am. How did I get here? Well, GOD sure does work in mysterious ways. I wasnt even thinking about my lost blog.
I am sitting at work right now in the break room. I was just checking email while listening to Barack Obama give his State of the Union speech. Now if you will remember, the very last time I wrote, it was about Barack Obama and his impending presidency. He has struggled lately in the polls as I have struggled in my life. We are both just trying to get it right if I can compare us for a minute. But back to how I am sitting here typing out words again.
As I was checking my emails, I noticed one from Blogger. It appears I set my Blogger settings to notify me if I receive any comments; and I can then publish or reject the comment/s. My first hurdle was remembering my password to log in, it had been that long. But I finally remembered it.
The actual comment was pretty nice, saying something like: thank you...but then it went on to say check out this other blog. OK, I checked out the other blog and I was not impressed. While having comments on my blog are great, I cannot post any that I feel do not meet with my approval. And so I rejected the comment. But then, after I did that, I saw the tab: New Post. Couldnt resist, it was so clear that I needed to get back on here.
I am not going to promise to post weekly or even monthly, but I do hope to post as much as possible. You see, I was a writer in another life, the life I was surely letting slip away in the day to day misery that can consume a person. But no more misery, no more drama, no more sadness, no more pain. I had all of that in 2009 and I did not blog for that full year. It is time to write and be the writer, live and be Michael, the best artistic Michael I can be. Time to paint and draw and sew and make movies with the kids. I have already been exercising so that part is going good. Thank you young man that wanted to post on my blog. I am sorry I had to reject it, but I cannot, any longer, reject my life and the things that I like to do or the talents that GOD gave me that I havent been using. What it make me feel like to know these things about myself so surely? Answer: Here...