Almost 2 years ago, I started this blog in a little Chicago eatery called the Patio. I was with A. at the time and A. introduced me to the world of coffee shops and places that you could connect your laptop to WiFi. Although I resisted like crazy, once I started writing, I was secretly hooked and longed and wondered for the day when I would be able to venture out on my own to fulfill this new creative lust. Well, here I am...at Caribou Coffee...finally...and alone...on my own. I find it hard to believe that I haven't done this more. But when you breath and live within the shadows of another, it's hard to venture forth and be brave to do the things you love. Let's be clear, I did not know that I loved this: writing live in public...but I do. It's so exciting. I have never said this aloud, not without using innuendos, but brave people have to be honest and tell the world. Here goes: A. and I are broken up, not together that way anymore. There! I said it. But, as I enter into the world of being single and thus evolving once again (see title of blog :), I must thank A. for the introduction to my new love that is really my old love: writing. And as a write my fictional work that is very loosely based on my life with A. I feel I have been brought full circle. A day alone with many thoughts of the past that will help fuel my future and the tales I will tell.