I am currently sitting at the Starbucks in the Millenium Station downtown. I'm drinking the last of my strawberry frappuccino, which I had to look over to the menu board to figure out how to spell. The reason I am hanging out down here so early is because I am waiting to hear from the mechanic at Midas about my car. To be more exact, waiting for them to call me to tell me I can come pick the car up. It's a long story that I wont go fully into, but let's say that I finally got my car paid for. So you know what happened, right?
Oh it just needs about $1,620.00 dollars worth of work to get it in the running condition it should be in. Anyway, Midas is going to let me pay half with the remaining balance due in 30 days.
A. let me ride in with and I am very grateful; I don't think I could have put up with one more ride on the CTA Pace bus: can you say ghetto! No, through with that for a while.
My frap is just about gone, so I will be wrapping this up real quick. I guess I will walk over to Millenium Park after this. My mom and brother are supposed to be coming down this weekend for the 4th. Also the Taste of Chicago is going on. I may walk over there if I still havent heard anything after a while. I just realized that I have written about the Taste before in another blog entry.
This is pretty cool tho. Hanging out downtown, soaking up the atmosphere; I kinda feel like this is where I should be. Still getting used to my own grown skin. And exercising my artistic muscles. About time. Well, I don't really know what's going to go down this weekend. Sean will want to go to the Taste. And my nephew Korey is supposed to be coming also with his girlfriend.
Diante is also staying with us for the summer. Well I just wanted to get something published to let you know that I am still here. I will be starting my art blog soon, so stay tuned.
BTW, I really have to use the restroom.