Going to take my time with this one. Oh, wait, that's what I always do. I am the most patient person I know. It is thought that sometimes people miss out by not being in the fast lane. I have had that perception about myself more than once in the past. I have felt like I was sitting on the sidelines waiting for something while others whizzed by with their lives. I wanted to drive fast also to get to the vision in my mind of what I wanted my life to look like. But it always seemed to me that I was like the turtle: be steady, thoughtful. I was never good at being spontaneous with my life plans. I am the more "Let's plan this out, take our time and eventually when we get there it will be all that much more worth it!" Well, that WAS my old way of thinking. Is it any wonder that my results have not always come out the way I planned?
I now understand that there must be a symbiotic relationship between the hare and the turtle. I am trying to teach myself to be more Now of the Moment, while still taking time to plan, because planning insures that steps are not missed and important details are not left out of the final product.
Example: Wow, I just laid out my phone, keys and wallet on the bed. These 3 things are essential equipment for me to take with me everyday when I leave the house. If I don't plan to remember just one of those items, my ass is done. Without planning, my ass would be done every day.
But that has to be balanced out with living your life quickly, by the seat of your pants, jumping, leaping into fires unknown.
Dude, I have seriously jumped into some fucking hot flames with the quickness. Ask somebody!