Saturday - A and I road our bikes today in almost 3, maybe 4 years. We road for 15 to 20 minutes up to Coldstone Creamery. We both had the Oreo Overload. If you don't know what that is, then you need to look it up. Delicious! Some neighborhood kids (I prefer to call them punks) or maybe adults (in today's world you never know) broke out two panes on our 4 pane yard lamp post. I will show them. I purchased Plexiglas, cut out 4 panes, painted them to match the originals and installed them today. They wont be able to break those out. I also liked the experience of working with cutting Plexiglas. It can only help in my furniture and decorating endeavors. Perhaps I will make a stained glass window or incorporate glass into a furniture piece. On the left are my pieces, to the right: the broken ones. They're not all that, but on the posts you can hardly tell the difference.

I have been in a somber mood lately. This mainly has to do with the tragic events in Virginia

and with the very sudden passing of a very good person that I had the pleasure of working with. I won't say much here, just that you don't meet too many real gentlemen these days. Lloyd was one. He was also a military man and a firefighter. I will miss him. My heart goes out to the victims' families and to Lloyd's loved ones.

Finally, I did a little yard work today on Sunday. A and I grilled out.
I have been watching the Sopranos, Season 6, part 1 on DVD. The whole Vito gay storyline threw me for a loop, but I am very pleased with this character. I haven't seen the ending yet, so I hope Vito makes it okay and keeps living.

It was very windy today; the wind almost blew our screen door off. I ate way too much and am now stuffed. But overall, I am seeing improvements to my body since I started running and working out.
Well, that is enough for now. Will talk to you later.