The reason that I did not post last weekend was because I drove to Indianapolis to visit my family and mother for Mother's Day. I was supposed to be on vacation last week...and in a way, I suppose that I was. My mother just bought her first home, so not only did I want to see my family but I also wanted to check out the new digs. There was a computer sale at my job and I had promised my niece a while back that I would help get her one, so that was another reason for my going to Indy. In my mind I had envisioned going down there and staying for a whole week but things didn't quite work out that way. The computer could only be picked up on Saturday and I had to go back to work on Tuesday; that gave me 3 days to visit. My niece was ecstatic with the computer. And as always I had a wonderful time with my younger nieces and nephews. The couple of days went by way too fast as always and as a family that struggles together plays together, we lived up to every part of that statement and then some. Here's my disclaimer where I tell you how I am practicing the secret and how I lived by those principles last weekend, and how everything worked out, is going to work out, is already done. Live your life as if it is already done. That dream you have: picture it, see it as already achieved and you are reaping the rewards of that action. Okay, I am finished with the disclaimer. And now back to our regularly scheduled program.
ROLE MODELSSaw this article in the May 14 '07 issue of Time magazine. Tony Parker writes about his friend, French Soccer star:
Thierry Henry as one of
the most influential people in the world/the Time 100...

I first saw this next impressive guy on an episode of Judge Hackett. A former drug dealer,
Cooked author
Jeff Henderson gives an incredible and inspiring autobiographical account of his former life and how he became one of the most successful chefs in the world...