Sunday, May 6, 2007

Before and After

Turn your books into works of art to fill your bookshelves. If you have visited and browsed through home decor shops such as Crate & Barrel, The Container Store or Ikea, I'm sure you have seen the in-store room displays and the way that books are sometimes displayed by using plain non-colored or decoratively printed colored papers as covers for books. I decided to try my hand at this often overlooked decorating technique.

I purchased 3 different rolls of wrapping paper.

Here is one book before.

And here's the same book after.

This is really simple and easy to do. In a future post, I will show you how I made the cover and I will show you the finished product as displayed on the bookshelves in my studio.

Now, if I can just find the time to enshrine the rest of my books that I want to display on my bookshelves. To be continued...

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