Wow! What a week, what a difference. On Thursday, I had a 5-person interview at the Illinois Institute of Technology. At work on Friday, I essentially received an offer from their HR person telling me that I was their top candidate and that if my background check comes through clean (which it will) I have a job offer. The hours leading up to the interview, my stomach was in knots and my bowels were, well...let's just say drinking eight cups of coffee makes Mike a running boy. Ultimately I am thrilled, excited and scared; take it from me: the Secret is real. Whatever it is that you believe in, that higher power that you converse with daily, if you ask and believe and envision what you want for yourself, for your life, it will happen. There is no other way to self-fulfillment. I wish myself good luck.
On Saturday I had to open at work; it was a rough opening. Their were two cds stuck in the roller of the conveyor belt. There were about 5 bins of overnight returns and I forgot to empty one of the returns. Anyway, I made it through the eight hours and came home to find A's relatives here for the weekend. I actually ran into them at K Mart when I stopped in to buy a bottle of wine and some cat litter. A's mom and sis cooked dinner, a lot of delicious fattening soul food. It was a full house up until about two hours ago.
On Sunday, I ended up grilling burgers and dogs. We stayed up late watching videos on You Tube on the projector. I also worked on an art project for the bulletin board at work: little footballs of the Big 10 and Big East conference football teams.
Still busy. I am in Indy visiting mom and the family for the weekend. Still waiting on a job offer from IIT. More later.
Do It Yourself Guys:
Ahmed Hassan from DIY show "The Dirt On Gardening."

Ali Azhar from HGTV show "Design On A D

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