We came back and started preparing for A's birthday next weekend and judging from our discussions, I am not going to get a breathing break for a minute. My only regret in all of this activity is that I have not been able to visit my beloved family in Indianapolis. I did talk to my sister today and she told me that she is now working. Thank GOD!!!that is some good news. In a future post I want to talk about what it means to be spiritual. Because I haven't been going to church for quite a spell, A. and I got into a little conversation on whether I was spiritual or not. Well, just so you know, I am...but I am not going to hit anyone over the head with it. I prefer to move in a quiet and encouraging way that I think suits me.
I have started on a new piece of art, but with all I have to do this week, I won't get near a paint brush until next week. These photos are from the movie "Stomp the Yard," which is where I am getting my inspiration for the artwork: