Recommendation: "Inspired By the Bible Experience." This all-star cast recording inspired by the "Today's New International Version" is the best book/bible on cd I have ever listened to. Blair Underwood as Jesus...you just can't go wrong. Gather the family together, young and old, and sit around your personal listening device. You and the family will be caught up in an instant in a magnificent production that is The Bible Experience.
I watched the BET Awards a couple of days ago and the theme appeared to be the legacy of past artists inspiring the new generation of artists. This led me to obvious influences in today's hip hop arena. Young Buck had to have referenced Tupac's Rolling Stone cover for his Album CD cover for "Buck the World."
What do you think?

I'm looking forward to my copy of The Bible Experience. It'll be here before I know it. I think it's downloadable on audible.com right now...the whole thing!
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